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Viewing Level Language[]

I can't seem to figure out how to change it, but the "Viewing Level" section is in Russian.  For example, it says "1 из 64" instead of "1 of 64".  Also, the tooltip that appears when you put your mouse on the slideshow is in Russian.  It should say "Expand slideshow" like it does on other pages which viewing level slideshows such as Bear It and The Pits. Ntropydude (talk) 03:55, August 4, 2014 (UTC)

It says "of", when I'm not logged. When I'm logged and I change interface language into english, "из" changes into "of" as it should be without problems.Pu14unkiihooiV (talk) 06:28, August 4, 2014 (UTC)
Weird, it's normal for me now too, even though I see no changes were made to the page.  I have been logged in on the English setting and for some reason, this one was in Russian whereas the other pages were in English, but it's fine for me now. Ntropydude (talk) 16:19, August 4, 2014 (UTC)