Since Crash Team Rumble Season 4 might last from March till June, would Sonic the Hedgehog make an appearance as a special guest in Crash Team Rumble Season 5?
Big Chill in Ben 10 Omniverse looks muscular to me, but I like Big Chill's Ben 10 Alien Force/Ultimate Alien design much better.
@Gaven Das Wow! Looks like someone agrees with me about Sonic and Shadow!
Since it will be in June, I'm thinking Sonic the Hedgehog and Shadow.
Since Crash Team Rumble Season 4 might last from March till June, would Sonic the Hedgehog make an appearance as a special guest in Crash Team Rumble Season 5?
@DaveMan1000 I meant if Jason Griffith voices Catbat when Catbat gets to speak that is.
Cool! I wish Jason Griffith voices Catbat.
Season 2 is here, but I'm worried that I will never get the rewards if I skipped all the tiers. Do I still get the rewards if I skipped all the tiers?
It went well
I played Crash Team Rumble with YTCupcake_Kazoo and against Jarl_NZ!
We know that Catbat is non-binary, but what if Catbat is a male? If he was, then his voice actor would be be Jason Griffith, the voice actor of Sonic the Hedgehog from 2005 to 2010.
Welcome to the Crash Bandicoot Bandipedia, @The Artist Gamer 1 ! Any Sonic fandom members is a new Crash Bandicoot fandom member!
Uh-oh. Red and Silver weren't expecting that.
I don't know. We'll have to wait for the trailer to find out.
@Jayden Bandicoot Too late, man. I already got it on the day before it was even released.
(My Pinstripe Potoroo impression)
"Wha, you call that racin'? Forget about it! If youse gonna race Oxide, youse gonna have to get past me first! I'm the speed champion here, and I'm gonna save the woild... for a sizable fee, of course! Hahahahaha!!!"
Pinstripe Potoroo.
You mean the yellow gem. You have to break all the crates without dying. It was hard but I got it.
@Awesomehaig, actually, you're not the only one but unlike you, I completed all three Crash Bandicoot games and got 100% on all three Crash Bandicoot games.